Ronan Tetsu

Even the CHP gets Fresno’ed

As a Fresno Native, I don’t think Fresno is the only city with awful drivers, but it’s just much easier to pick on the really crappy drivers that exist in Fresno. It’s impossible to drive just one day in this city without encountering a horrible driver; I encounter plenty of dangerous drivers in neighborhoods alone…

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Friant Roulette

So there’s a YouTube channel that’s dedicated to the Friant/Shepherd intersection, which is in North Fresno, a part of Fresno that’s also quite affluent. As you’d expect, there’s some really shitty drivers, but that’s probably just true of most areas anyway, but for some reason, Friant/Shepherd makes dangerous driving look normal. What’s hilarious and pathetic…

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Christmas Tree Lane

Merry And Bright. Fresno’s Christmas Tree Lane is a tradition lasting over 100 years! Each December, North Van Ness Boulevard in Old Fig Garden becomes a one-way street lined with hundreds of trees and homes all decked-out with lights and decorations for the holidays. Visitors can drive the 2-mile stretch from Shields to Shaw all…

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