Friant Roulette

So there’s a YouTube channel that’s dedicated to the Friant/Shepherd intersection, which is in North Fresno, a part of Fresno that’s also quite affluent. As you’d expect, there’s some really shitty drivers, but that’s probably just true of most areas anyway, but for some reason, Friant/Shepherd makes dangerous driving look normal. What’s hilarious and pathetic is that there’s almost never any immediate police response, with police only reacting when these people create crashes.

Light was red for at least 3s. This moron narrowly avoids a crash as the green light for cross traffic has a delay (or they were slow, or mindful of a moronic red light runner)

These red light runners make it quite clear what they’re doing, as they often run a light that’s been red for well over 5 seconds, and often maneuver around vehicles that have the right of way (because they have a green light, duh!). I cannot fathom how many idiot drivers drive past this intersection, and I also cannot fathom why Fresno PD hasn’t set up camp there. This mostly affluent area would be a great money maker for Fresno, but would also make this intersection way safer, since the possibility of getting in a car crash (or dying) clearly isn’t incentive enough for people not to run red lights in this busy intersection. Easy way to save lives… See the YouTube channel below to experience just how frightening this intersection is (and maybe you’ll learn to watch for cross traffic despite having a green light!).

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