New website special ($500)

Did you know that only 36% of businesses have a dedicated website for their products and services? It’s a shock to us that in this day and age so many just leave money on the table by trying to skate by with only a Facebook page or Twitter account. That 36% only looms larger when you stop to consider that over 75% of online shoppers begin their search for a new product or service by seeking out dedicated seller websites.

Don’t make the mistake of trying to rely on social media accounts all alone to help attract new buyers and new users. Social media definitely has its place in an overall marketing strategy but not spending the time and money to have a dedicated business or organizational website with a legitimate domain name and branded email puts you behind the competition. Any business or service that doesn’t have a dedicated, professional web presence will be discounted and written off by most potential customers under the age of 40.

If you are needing a business website and want to work with someone local who you can really work with and get help wading through want you need then let us help. We can build you a brand new business website from the ground up for only $500. This will get you a professional 5-page site that is HTML 5 compliant, completely scalable and secure, in just 5 days.